Did you know that marriage is God’s idea, hence why they say this is made in heaven? But you might be curious to know if I’m not old enough to choose who I want to spend the rest of my life with. Though this is a valid point, keep in mind that your Heavenly Father, who knew you existed even […]
MARRIAGE is when two different people with two different mindsets, journeys, backgrounds, interests, and so on partner together for a PURPOSE. The Purpose for a Marriage: Individuals usually think marriage is a serious matter and all your freedom is taken away and few think they marry only to have babies so their generations can continue. Yeah, in a way it’s […]
Breakfree from bonds
In our life, we can be bonded by these and you might not even wonder can all be barriers to your breakthroughs. Emotional bonds The feelings of closeness and affection that contribute to the long-term sustainability of meaningful relationships are referred to as emotional connections. It could be between best friends, or it could be with your parents or mentors. […]
Hannah- “Beauty for Ashes”
We would be reflecting on the story of Hannah. There was a man named Elkanah, who had two wives. The first one was Hannah, whom he loved but she was barren because God closed her womb. And, his other wife’s name was Peninnah who bore 10 children. So, Peninnah taunted and irritated Hannah year after year for her bareness. Those […]
Be like the Good Samaritan
INTRODUCTION: The parable of the Good Samaritan depicts Jesus being the Good Samaritan, redeems a man who has been attacked and fallen into the enemy’s trap and the same way we being His child should bring people from darkness to light. PASSAGE WITH INSIGHTS: Luke 10:30-37 (NIV) 30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when […]
Barriers for our Breakthrough
Let us discuss about the barriers to prepare ourselves for our future partner. Busyness lifestyle– We are so busy in life that we don’t take the time to think about and plan for the next phase. We work for about 12 to 13 hours a day and spend the rest of our time on our devices. And sometimes we just […]
Reflection from the book of RUTH. ========================= “We might not be able to control from encountering difficult situations in our life, but we can control how we react to people & that situation.” I took this thought from the book of Ruth, where she encounters losses in her life, but she clanged on to a God who she never knew before and […]
(Captive turns to be the Queen to carryout God’s Plan) Sequence of Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~ God equips Esther- “the captive girl” At the right time, God positions Esther (to be the Queen) for His purpose Esther’s obedience to the call to risk her life The Plot Twist God gets His glory I have jotted down with cross reference to add more […]
*INTRO* ====== Haggai, talks about rebuilding His temple. This book describes. about what burdens God the most, Where He describes people are so comfortable and busy building more for their livelihood and have left the house of God in ruins because of their unfaithfulness and by minding their own business. *God’s Burden:* ============== In the first chapter, verse:4- God sees […]
Operational Excellence
Powering operational excellence in terms of Quality in delivering our Product or Services Quality determines the value of the product or service provided. It’s a parameter used to judge our service provided or if the product is upto the mark as defined. Quality helps us to analyse and compare if the service requisite matches the service delivery. Delivery Quality Assurance, […]
Need for PROCESS
Set up the process and system right and stay cool. View Post https://www.linkedin.com/posts/nivedita-devraj-13845960_process-processimprovement-processexcellence-activity-6703239619183562752-kHs9 process processimprovement process excellence processmanagementvision
I will be sharing my thoughts and views on my beliefs
I would be sharing my beliefs and experiences.. Checkout my blogs :
Our Princess, our Pride
This video which I created is to encourage that , every princess is uniquely talented and has a purpose to step into this world. So, can we make her feel secure and give her equal opportunities for her to finish her mandate and it is our responsibility to make this world a better place for the future generations. Concept & […]