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Kingdom Man vs Wise Woman

Kingdom Man vs Wise Woman

  • The Kingdom Man:

To his wife, a husband is a king, and everything under him is his kingdom. If you are a wise woman, these are a few characteristics that you need to look into your man after God’s own heart.

  • He challenges you in the same way that iron sharpens iron.
  • He broadens your horizons, your dreams, your passions, and in every aspect of life.
  • He as a leader will guide you in fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.
  • His love is sacrificial and unconditional
  • He protects and ensures your safety in all aspects.
  • He balances you out as it’s not about alignment, but about the assignment. Assignments that are complementary to one another.
  • He also is an imperfect being just like anyone but he transforms and matures to be an example to his family and in his sphere of influence.
  • He is a provider for the family, despite the fact that his wife works. A man can be a millionaire but unable to provide for his family. The mindset or heart of a provider is more important than resources. He doesn’t have to be a made-up man right now.
  • He is a visionary and will aid in the discovery of your giftedness and the nurturing of it, as well as the ability to see your calling and collaborate with others to fulfill the purpose of God for the family and around Him.
  • He is a lover, which is why he leaves his parents to understand the concept of marriage, which aids in leaving his parents’ emotional, financial, and psychological influence and understanding the process of becoming ONE emotionally, physically, and spiritually, as well as possessing the characteristics of a loving husband.
  • He is not the boss; in a marriage, both partners are equal in God’s eyes. Your roles, however, are distinct. Husband and wife are created in God’s image and likeness, but the husband is the head of the household, and he is to love rather than belittle his wife.
  • He is open and trusts his heart to his queen.
  • The Wise Woman:

These are a few virtues of a wise woman meant for a kingdom man who is a woman of God’s own heart.

  1.  She Submits: The term submission to a husband is misunderstood in today’s context because it is based on different cultural statements, those days the husband was the sole breadwinner and had a better education or exposure than women back then. As a result, the husband used to be the only decision maker, and the wife was unable to express her opinions due to a lack of opportunities and exposure, or even out of fear. However, today’s men and women are nearly equally educated, and both can contribute to decision-making and respect each other out of love and concern, which leads to the submission of everything to each other. So, submission in marriage entails selflessness, service, accountability, right conduct, and mutual respect for your partner; it is not slavery or a woman’s call to lose her voice.
  • She Respects: Respecting the man should not be conditional or based on the past. You may respect other men like your boss/father, mentor, and leader but not your husband. The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish woman pulls it down with her hands, as evidenced by her words and actions toward her husband and others. In some scenarios, women can be earning more, better positions than their husbands. But the choice is still whether can you respect him unconditionally.
  • Her Attitude: The man would be delighted by her satisfaction, mindset, perspective, and the right attitude toward him. It is important to have a heart-centered attitude/mindset in order to see the best in others rather than the flaws.  What you focus on reflects your attitude.
  • She notices him alone and prefers him more than any other person and treasures him as he is her unique, special, and precious insight of her. And, she honors him because you love him,
  • She Supports him: Behind every good husband, stands a good wife. The wife encourages her husband to be his BEST and supports him to pull him back to God’s will for him and the family.
  • Attributes of the Queen
  • Virtues: priceless and valuable
  • Integrity: Speak the truth and earn trust.
  • Kindness: To be a good, kind, and loving person.
  • Hardworking: To work hard and avoid laziness.
  • Provider: To provide for and care for everything entrusted to her. 
  • Provider: To provide for and care for everything entrusted to her. 
  • Business savvy: the ability to balance work and life. • Strength: mental, physical, and spiritual.
  • Endurance: The ability to persevere in the face of adversity.
  • Well-rounded: multitasking and cross-skilling
  • Charitable: She helps the poor, loves her neighbors, and is welcoming without judging others.
  • Provide and Trust: She provides for her family and believes in God’s plan. Well, dressed: Dress well, but not consumed by looks alone.
  • Wife of a good husband: Partner to a leader who loves God.
  • Earn a living wage by working hard in our homes and jobs.
  • Honorable: To be a strong and honorable woman who carries herself gracefully.
  • Wise: We should think before speaking.
  • Active: There is no room for laziness; work as if for the Lord.
  • Worthy of praise: We are praised for our hard work.
  • Success and excellence: We will succeed and excel.
  • God-fearing: We are commanded to fear the Lord and to live in a way that honors Him.
  • Rewarded: God promised to reward us for our perseverance and hard work.

how a man’s vision is incomplete without his helpmate. So, as a woman, we have the responsibility to be influencers to accelerate the vision of both to be fulfilled with the help of God.

The Marriage Mantras


  • Communication and being expressive is vital. -love languages, He is not your mind reader
  • Building each other up Sharing is caring – Sharing responsibility. Mutual Admiration
  • Considering each other better –Keeping other’s Interests above yours, respecting & sacrifice, being empathetic and sensitive.
  • Forgiveness is key – overlooking the differences, and conflict management. Never give up, two imperfect people.
  • Commitment & loyalty
  • Define your Inner circle –>Immediate Family ->Family of Families ->Friends & colleagues.
  • Expand your territories:   
  • Marriage Intimacy


  • Comparison is the thief of all joy
  • Possessiveness Vs Doubting
  • Keeping the main thing main – Define your Priority
  • Never hide things from your partner – tell the truth to your partner

 but they would require the support is a wife. “God is the head of a Man and Wife is the neck of the Man.” If your husband is getting away from God, will you can always support him to pull him back to God’s will for him and the family.

Kingdom Marriage is an agreement between a man and a woman after God’s own heart for a godly generation to be raised to reflect Kingdom culture and to carry out Father’s business on Earth.

“Both man & woman are equal in sight of god.”

-Nivedita DEVRAJ

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